The Best Way to Pose for Wedding Photos: Expert Tips

The Best Way to Pose for Wedding Photos: Expert Tips

Your wedding day should be the happiest day of your life, and you want your wedding photos to show that. Wedding photos are something you will show your children and grandchildren for years to come, so it’s important that you love how they look and more importantly… how *you look* in the photos.

The last thing you want to be thinking about on your big day is how to pose in your wedding photos. Nobody needs that added stress!

A good photographer should tell you how to pose and make you feel comfortable so you look your most natural. However, we know we would’ve liked to know some tips on the best way to pose for wedding photos before our wedding – just to give us that peace of mind that our wedding photos would look amazing.

Here are our top tips for the best way to pose for wedding photos!


Expert Pose Tip 1: Find your best side, and use it! 

It really is true that everyone has a ‘best’ side that they prefer to show off in photos. Before your big day, spend some time in front of a mirror or looking at photos of yourself to determine the side you want to show in your wedding photos.

We know you’ll look beautiful from any angle, but a lot of people hate how their wedding photos look because they weren’t looking their absolute best.


Smile naturally

Smiling naturally in photos is something a lot of people struggle with. Unless you’re a professional model or in front of a camera regularly, it can be daunting! Smiling naturally will ensure you look as happy as you feel on the inside.

The key is to smile as you smile in real life. You don’t need to practice in front of a mirror, just enjoy the moment with your new spouse and don’t force the smile (or the fact that there’s a camera pointed at you!). Another great tip is to act like you are laughing – as laughing always produces a natural-looking smile.


Stand up straight

 You might hear your mum’s voice nagging you to ‘stand up straight’ when you think of your posture, but in the photos it is really important to have good posture.

Everything is accentuated in photos, so if you’re slouching even the smallest bit – you’ll look like you are slouching a lot more than you remember. Plus, you should be standing tall on your big day anyway!


Wet weather? Umbrellas are your best friend

If the weather looks like it will take a turn for the worst on your wedding day, invest in some wedding umbrellas. Why? For one, they will keep yourself and your guests dry. They will also ensure you can still get those amazing wedding photos you’ve dreamed of, without ending up soaked.

Posing with umbrellas is simple, just make sure that it isn’t covering your face in any of the shots. You can use clear umbrellas to deflect and soften the light, which will add that extra romantic touch to your photos.


Relax, and enjoy the day!

Our biggest tip is to just relax and enjoy your big day. If you are relaxed and happy, that will come across in your photos. With your partner by your side, you will feel comfortable and your wedding photos will turn out just how you imagined (or in some cases, even better than you imagined!)

We hope you have found these tips on the best way to pose for wedding photos useful! Enjoy your wedding day.

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